About visualizing-ideas

Transforming Visitor Experiences with Visualizing- Ideas' Innovative Indoor Navigation System at a large Trade Show

Client Overview

Client Overview:

The worlds largest consumer, electronics and home appliances Trade Show

Client Overview

Industry: Trade Shows
Client Type: International Exhibition Organizer
Event Type: Annual Mega Exhibition
Attendance: 150,000+



Challenge Indoor Navigation

The client, a prominent international exhibition organizer, grappled with intricate on-site navigation challenges during its annual mega event in Germany.

Venue Navigation

With 25 expansive exhibition halls, the existing event app fell short in providing efficient indoor navigation, leading to visitor frustration and a need for insightful data on visitor flows.


Visualizing-Ideas presented its Indoor Navigation System as a comprehensive solution to address navigation complexities and elevate the on-site experience.

The system aimed to empower visitors with precise location details, streamlined routes to booths, and data-driven insights for enhanced event planning.

One Stop Shop


System Selection

System Selection:
Visualizing Ideas’ adaptable Indoor Positioning System, leveraging Bluetooth transmitters, was chosen for its proven success and flexibility in various event layouts.

Across Devices

Integration and Implementation:
Bluetooth transmitters were strategically placed before the event, with on-site support guaranteeing uninterrupted operation throughout the exhibition. The system seamlessly integrated into the existing event app, ensuring a user-friendly experience.


Results: Enhanced Attendee Experience

Reduced Navigation Time

Reduced Navigation Time:
Attendees reported significant reductions in navigation time, allowing for more focused exploration of the event’s content.

Positive Feedback

Positive Feedback: The intuitive and user-friendly navigation received widespread praise, contributing to an overall enhanced event experience.

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways


Enhanced Visitor Engagement:
The Indoor Positioning System significantly improved visitor engagement by providing efficient navigation and reducing time spent searching for booths and attractions.

Efficiency and Engagement

Data-Driven Insights:
The system offered valuable data insights into visitor movement patterns, popular booths, and dwell times, enabling personalized messages and enhancing overall engagement.

Benchmark Setting

Benchmark Setting: The successful integration of innovative solutions set a new standard for future conferences.



The successful implementation of Visualizing Ideas’ Indoor Positioning System demonstrated its effectiveness in transforming the visitor experience. Positive feedback from both participants and organizers underscores the system’s potential for continued use in future events. The client’s expressed satisfaction and willingness to integrate the system in upcoming exhibitions highlight a commitment to ongoing innovation, ensuring improved event engagement and navigation.

Looking Ahead

Looking ahead

Visualizing Ideas continues to explore and refine innovative solutions, building on the success of this case to further enhance the experience of future events in the pharmaceutical industry.

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